Business building homes for
people experiencing homelessness.

Business building homes for people experiencing homelessness.

Business building homes for
people experiencing homelessness.

Business building homes for people experiencing homelessness.


10,000 West Australians experience homelessness every night.

The inability to access housing keeps many West Australians trapped in homelessness.

Despite multiple plans by government and NGOs, along with the efforts of numerous charities, the number of West Australians experiencing homelessness remains unacceptably high for a community as rich in resources and talent as WA.

Currently there are over 1,000 people sleeping rough and another 9,000 homeless people at risk in precarious accommodation and these numbers are increasing.


A Housing First solution to successfully leapfrog homelessness.

The Emplace Initiative believes that West Australians experiencing homelessness have a right to a safe, comfortable and enjoyable home.

Case studies from cities around the world indicate that the plight of homelessness can be resolved. Learnings from those successful projects indicate a ‘Housing First’ approach delivers long term solutions that also leapfrog many of the issues surrounding people experiencing homelessness. They have also proven to be cheaper to deliver.

And whilst there is a need for scalability, there is also a need to provide standards and choice.


Steered by high-level relevant professionals.

The Emplace Initiative is a facilitator and coordinator of Western Australian business to enable a Housing First solution for people experiencing homelessness.

We work as a catalyst that encourages West Australian business to increase the housing supply for people experiencing homelessness through a Housing First approach. We are not charity fundraisers.

We have connected high-level professionals with relevant skill sets to steer our purpose. We are a project of City Rotary. 


Active and agile.

We are currently working to enable the following housing development models:

“My Home” housing solution for people experiencing homelessness.

A Public Private Partnership (PPP) model with the public sector providing land at a peppercorn lease, private sector providing philanthropic tax deductible funding of construction of the homes and a Community Housing Provider managing the property and tenants.

Mixed housing models attractive to investors and property developers as a basis for engaging business and government.


Ross Robertson – Chair

Ross is an Executive Director of Perron Group, a major group with many interests including property investments, Toyota motor vehicle distribution and mining. Ross is a Chartered Accountant, a Director of the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation and a past Division Councillor of the Property Council of Australia.

Liz Pattison – Vice Chair

Liz is a strategic planner and facilitator with over 30 years’ experience including in the not-for-profit and homelessness sectors. Liz was awarded the Order of Australia for leading major Rotary projects including the Headquarters Youth Facility in Leederville, Place of Reflection in Kings Park and homelessness initiatives.

Chris Paull

Chris is a partner with PwC's Financial Advisory team, with over 16 years’ experience in tax advisory matters. Chris works with both private and public groups on a range of tax matters, including assistance with restructures, acquisitions, disposals, risk management, tax consulting and general tax compliance. Chris is passionate about the local property industry and projects which have a positive impact on our city.

Rowan Clarke

Rowan is a Director of Hesperia Property. His career spans over 15 years in property and investment banking, both locally and internationally. Rowan holds a Bachelor of Commerce, CA, MBA from London Business School and a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Finance.

Michelle Blakeley

Michelle is a highly regarded architect who owns and operates her own business. Her profile can be summed up as: project architect, design architect, urban designer, director, teacher and writer. She has worked on projects from single residential, multi-residential, public buildings, heritage, education, urban design, interior and master planning. Michelle has won a number of prestigious awards and prizes for her works. She is also Founder and Director of the “My Home” solution to house people experiencing homelessness.

Gehann Perera

Gehann is a projects lawyer and partner at MinterEllison and specialises in the structuring, financing and delivery of real estate projects. Gehann has extensive experience working for public and private sectors on social and affordable housing initiatives. In addition to his legal work, Gehann was an inaugural member of the Board of Street Law Inc (the provider of legal services to those experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness), was on the board of Richmond Wellbeing Inc for 9 years and currently is a member of the Property Council of WA's Commercial Office Committee.

John Berger

John is a CEO with over 30 years’ experience in the not-for-profit and government sectors, including specialisation in homelessness and he is currently Executive Officer for the WA Alliance to End Homelessness. John is passionate about supporting the community, particularly those who are vulnerable and is a strong advocate in ensuring the voice of lived experience is central to the design and reform of social services.

Kathleen Gregory

Kathleen Gregory was the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of Foundation Housing Ltd, a Community Housing organisation that provides affordable housing in Western Australia. During the twelve years of Kathleen’s leadership, Foundation Housing has grown its portfolio of housing from 350 to over 2000 units of accommodation and is now the largest affordable housing provider in the State. In 2016, Kathleen was recognised with an Order of Australia.




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